Feb 1, 2007

We're live and public

Friends for Peace is now publicly available. We've kicked the tires and so far, so good. We hope you enjoy this site and we hope to see a photo of you soon!

Thanks all for your helpful comments and all the enthusiasm and support. It's kept us going and given us great directions to head.

We've heard from many people that we need to have a slide show view to view the photos. Check back for that new feature next week. We should have something up soon.

Ads are going to go out soon. But be sure to blog about us or link to us, so we can get more and more photos. We're hoping for a photo avalanche.

Do you have an idea for the site? Please write a comment on the blog.

Friends for Peace Coordinator


Anonymous said...

The local Philadelphia news radio station, KYW 1060, featured Friends for Peace today. Here is a link to the story.

Anonymous said...

I am not a coder but I do have a Flikr site on which I have posted photos from weekly vigils in freont of the Federal Building in San Francisco. My site at flikr is topchoices99 and the password is sockssocks. since I'm not sure how to move them ionto your site, I'll just leave that with you nd if you should want any of them, you can take.