Feb 9, 2007

Friends for Peace Slideshows

You asked for slideshows and now we have them! Anytime that a slideshow is available you will see a link labeled "Open Slideshow" under the main image; click on the link and the sideshow will start in its own window.Please let us know how this new function works for you by leaving a comment on the blog.

We are currently working on other ways for people to look at Friends for Peace images. If you have an idea about new features you'd like to see us develop, please let us know by commenting on this blog. We can't promise to do them all, but we're always looking for more ideas.

Coding for Peace


Anonymous said...

how about a way to embed the slide shows or photos on my blog?

Anonymous said...

I love the newest slide show version as of today, March 6 but I miss being able to see the photos in the 'newest' section.