The last couple of weeks have generated pictures from several different Quaker groups. Now I'll grant you that this is not surprising for a Quaker organization, but since I have personal connections to these groups getting posted now, I couldn't resist pointing them out.
First came the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Middle School Friends, who took some pictures during this year's Residential Yearly Meeting, including this Foosball player. Not only was I once a member of this group, but I'd also helped arrange getting the materials to them, so it was fun to see the pictures come through.
The next set that came in were from Powell House, which is part of New York Yearly Meeting. I took noticed these in part because they included a felter I met while I went to college near her meeting.
Finally, the group that meant I had to write something was from Buckingham Friends Meeting, which runs the elementary school I attended. That was one too many groups I knew, so it was time to say something.
Coding for Peace
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