All of the photos have been great, and we have some favorites here at AFSC. Here are some of the photos we have been talking about. (Click on the pictures to see the larger version.)
Most hopeful:
Creative use of sign:
Updates on the American Friends Service Committee's Friends for Peace project.
Last Friday a poster asked about embedding a slideshow in other blogs. Since Friends for Peace uses Flickr as a backend this is not only an option, but there are several tools to make it easy. Most sources I found referenced Paul Stamatiou's blog, but there are plenty of others. Using Paul’s technique the final code should look something like this (your mileage may vary):<iframe align="center" src="" frameBorder="0" width="500" scrolling="no" height="500" />
To control which images come up you can use the “tags” variables described in the article I linked above. If you create something like this, or use Friends for Peace images in some other way, please let us know by leaving a comment on the blog.
Coding for Peace
You asked for slideshows and now we have them! Anytime that a slideshow is available you will see a link labeled "Open Slideshow" under the main image; click on the link and the sideshow will start in its own window.Please let us know how this new function works for you by leaving a comment on the blog.
We are currently working on other ways for people to look at Friends for Peace images. If you have an idea about new features you'd like to see us develop, please let us know by commenting on this blog. We can't promise to do them all, but we're always looking for more ideas.
Coding for Peace