Jan 16, 2007

Your comments needed!

We're knee-deep in web site testing right now and we need your help. If you're looking at this, please email your thoughts about the site to friendsforpeace (at) afsc.org. We will really appreciate it.

What makes sense? What do you like? What don't you like? What is confusing? Please let us know.

friendsforpeace (at) afsc.org


Anonymous said...

I love this site and can't wait to print out sign(s) and make some pictures to submit. Great work!

Anonymous said...

I like the idea a lot. There are a lot of petition pages on the Internet, but this is much cooler because you can see photos of the people. I think there is more of a connection and it is more personal.

I have two comments on the site so far. One is that I think there should be 'Home' link at the botton of each page along with 'About Us', Contact Us, etc.

My second comment is that on the Home Page, the 'Make your own sign' link under 'Upload your photo' sometimes wraps around partially under the text "Don't have a sign?". I am using Safari 2.0 on an Apple computer and depending on the text size I select this happens or doesn't happen.

This problem does not occur with Firefox 1.5 on the same Apple computer. It does occur with Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 on a Windows XP computer when very large or very small text is selected. It also occurs on the same Windows computer with Firefox 1.5.

It's not a big deal, but looks tacky.

Anonymous said...

Great idea!
I have the same comment as john d. bartram regarding:
1) home link at bottom of each page, including 'About Us', "Contact Us';
2) Home Page, the 'Make your own sign' link under 'Upload your photo' sometimes wraps around partially under the text "Don't have a sign?". I'am viewing from Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 on a Windows XP

Levana said...

Thank you so much for all of your thoughtful comments. Feel free to share this with others who you think may have insightful comments to share with us.

Anonymous said...

It would be nice to be able to scroll through the photos with 'previous 'home 'next buttons.

crazyjolson said...

What a fantastic idea!

It is extremely important that our government leaders understand that there are real individual people that want peace, not just an endless stream of email without faces.

It is equally important that they realize that it is not just "those extremist peace-lover demonstrators" that are longing for an end to war-time; it is all walks of people from all walks of life. The photo campaign makes that much more apparent.

Suggestion for the site: how about a big "email this page to a friend" button on the home page?

Anonymous said...

It would be good to have a way to edit your identity after you have made a comment. I didn't realize my first name would be displayed, and I can't figure out how to change it.

Anonymous said...

Also, the comments could go from newest to oldest, instead of oldest to newest as they are now.

and the "post a comment" clickable link could be bigger and displayed as a button at the top of the page.

Anonymous said...

I agree comments should be newest to oldest.
Curiously I had to switch my browser from FireFox 2.0 to Opera to be able to view these photos and upload my own.
The site is a great idea and will prove useful.